Laura Anguiz
Yoga, travel, and nature lover
Let me tell you about myself...
Everyone knows me by Laura, a very common name from where I come from.
I was born in Alicante, Spain, a beautiful city on the Mediterranean coast.
As far as I can remember, I have always been attracted to and fascinated by different languages, countries, cultures... I was very lucky because I started traveling at a very young age... I still remember the first time I got on a plane on my own. I was just eleven years old and my parents sent me to Sweden to spend the summer with family relative. I experienced such a culture shock when I arrived: What a strange language they spoke, what different foods they ate, and what a chilly breeze I felt in Malmö back in 1994! That first experience opened my eyes to the world and the joy of learning about new cultures and new ideas. Since then, I haven't stopped traveling and I hope I never will.
As I grew up, I decided to go to college to study Translation and Interpretation. Given my experience traveling abroad, my family and friends were not surprised that I chose this field of study. Once I completed the program, I spent some years as a medical interpreter in different hospitals and clinics. Thanks to working in that area, I learned that I needed to preserve the most precious gifts my parents had given me: my body, my mind, and my soul, in other words, my physical, spiritual, and mental well-being.
2010 arrived and I started my journey into holistic medicine. I studied Naturopathy. I learned about Bach Flowers remedy solutions, psychology, phytotherapy, shiatsu, biology... among others. After that, in 2014, I expanded my learning to include Chinese Medicine and finally Macrobiotic Nutrition. Applying all my studies to my personal life was a game changer, but I could still not manage my stress. Meanwhile, I became a mom, a wife, an employee, a friend... and my stress levels kept rising and rising.
And just then, it discovered Yoga. After practicing a couple of sessions, I found that I really needed my yoga classes to relax, calm my mind, reconnect with myself, and find that comfortable and safe place where I could just be with myself. I fell in love with it.
Since that moment I've never stopped practicing and studying yoga. I try my best in my self practices and I do my best as a teacher.
In 2020, I completed my first Yoga Teacher Training in Washington DC (half in person, half virtual because of Coronavirus pandemic). I started teaching Vinyasa in the local parks with a lot of uncertainty. I knew then, as I know now, that one 200-hour teacher training was not enough, it was just the first step of a life-long journey. Subsequently, I attained my certification in Yin Yoga and Trauma Informed Yoga. ​
And then again, another game changer arrived... I discovered Iyengar Yoga. Right away, I started practicing - as a student in class and at home on my own. This led me to travel to India, which, gave me what I needed: clarity on how to continue. I understood that a strong foundation is needed in the asanas ( yoga poses) as in life. It showed me which path to take. I'm currently learning about my weaknesses. I'm learning to focus inside, to look inside, and to not compare myself with anything or anyone.
I'm learning that everything arrives slowly, one step at a time, and only when you are prepared to understand it. Nor before, not later but at the right time, at the right moment.
Nowadays, I continue attending Iyengar Yoga classes and have started discovering the power of Pranayama.
I teach in my studio at home to small groups and privately. I hope you come and try my classes, which bring in the best of all my past experiences and what I've learned in my journey through life.
“Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame" B.K.S. Iyengar"